Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

Environmental Review Frequently Asked Questions

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Who is required to consult?

The most appropriate party to initiate consultation is the permitting/funding/approval agency (state or federal). This party may also be the lead agency for the project. As some agencies do not always coordinate our review into their process, it may be prudent for an individual to consult with our office directly to assure that a project has been reviewed, avoiding costly delays.

What is needed by the applicant for consultation?

At a minimum:

  • Project description.
  • Photos of project site and its surroundings (including buildings) keyed to a site map.
  • USGS quadrangle map (in urban settings, a more detailed map will be needed).

Do all projects require an archeological survey?

Not always. In cases where a project involves ground disturbance, Archeological Survey may be needed unless substantial prior ground disturbance can be documented.

How to choose a consultant?

If any historic properties are identified in the project area, the project scope will be assessed to determine whether the project will have any direct or indirect impacts/effects on the historic property.

Once it has been determined that a project will need a cultural resource investigation, the selection of a consultant to carry out the study may become a concern. The SHPO does not maintain a list of consultants. We have developed the guidelines to help in the selection process.

If the project scope will have an impact/effect on the historic property, consultation with SHPO continues; otherwise consultation is complete.

How long does this take?

Responses to all inquiries and submissions should be made by the SHPO within 30 days. If a submission is incomplete, SHPO will request additional information, which will result in additional review time. Therefore, it is in the sponsor's best interest to supply all the required information as soon as it becomes available.

Who do I call for more information?

For general project information, call (518) 237-8643 and you will be directed to a representative who handles projects in your geographic area. Please be prepared to provide the location of your project.