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Millbrook Mountain Hike at Minnewaska

Saturday, June 29, 2024 09:30 AM - 01:30 PM

Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, for an approximately five-mile hike to Millbrook Mountain and back along the Lake Minnewaska Carriage Road, Millbrook Mountain Footpath, and Millbrook Mountain Carriage Road. Millbrook Mountain is one of many scenic vistas within Minnewaska and offers one of the most expansive views in the Park Preserve, from a cliff-top perch. Raptors are often seen gliding below and above. The footpath sections of this hike include uneven, rocky terrain, a stream crossing, wet areas, and other challenges that some might find difficult. All participants should come prepared with appropriate footwear and clothing and enough food and water to sustain themselves for the duration of the outing. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752.
Registration: Required

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